


 令和6年10月22日(火)ロンドン現地時間 9 時30分/日本時間18 時30分開始


ウィンチェスター校教諭兼囲碁クラブ責任者 デイビッド・フォローズ氏
藤澤一就一門プロ棋士  竹下凌矢二段

◯パンダネット事務局 宇都宮航
◯通訳 富田暁(東大囲碁部)、藤澤みなみ
◯運営 藤澤一就八段
藤澤一就一門後援会 大嶽佐由美理事、藤澤なぎさ事務局長

18:00 パソコン接続等確認
18:20 挨拶・自己紹介
18:30 対局開始
19:40 対局内容の考察・検討
19:50 藤澤八段より、「子どもたちがやる気になる指導法」の紹介。今後の展望。
20:30 終了



  • ウィンチェスター校における囲碁の普及状況の確認
  • 藤澤八段より、入門指導についてのアドバイス
  • 一般財団法人伝統文化棋道振興財団、藤澤一就一門後援会より、ウィンチェスター校へ、7路盤、9路盤や碁石等  入門セットを寄贈する旨の申し出
  • 今後の展望
    ウィンチェスター校での更なるデモンストレーションの開催等を行うことに加え、今後はUK Go Associationとの連携も図り、より積極的に普及活動を行っていくことを話し合った。

     藤澤八段とお話できた上に、プロの棋士と対局をすることができて、本当に光栄でした。 ハンデのある対局だったからこそ、学びが沢山あったと思います。この素晴らしい経験を早く生徒たちにも伝えたいです。
     パンダネットでの対局は、臨場感のあるものでしたし、プロ棋士との交流もしやすく、対局後の検討もとても役に立ちました。 今はまだ学校のファイヤウォールの問題があり、校内で利用することは出来ませんが、解決出来たらと思っています
    また、藤澤八段から伺った、こちらで囲碁を普及するためのアドバイスも本当に役に立ちました。 現在はまだ小さなクラブで囲碁を打っていますが、7路盤を提供して頂けることは大変有難いです。

The First International Collaboration with Winchester School in the U.K.

22/ 10/ 2024

 ◯ About the Event
By utilizing Pandanet, we are expanding the possibilities of playing and teaching Go to remote areas, introducing Japanese Go techniques to the world, and carrying out the international exchange through Go. As a first step, a game instruction session was held for teachers from Winchester School for the purpose of fostering instructors.

Date: 29th, October, 2024, 9:30 a.m. in London/ 6:30 p.m. in Japan
Venue: Shinjuku Children's Go School
Organizers: Go Culture Foundation and Kazunari Fujisawa Supporters Committee(KFSC)
Special cooperation by: Pandanet

◯ Players
Dr. David Follows, Master in Charge of Go, Winchester College
Ryoya Takeshita, a professional Go player (2-dan), apprenticed to Kazunari Fujisawa, who is also a pro (8-dan)

◯ Pandanet Secretariat: Mr.Utsunomiya
◯ Interpreters: Akira Tomita (the member of Go Club of the University of Tokyo) and Minami Fujisawa
◯ Management member:
   Mr. Fujisawa
   Sayumi Otake, Board Member of KFSC and Nagisa Fujisawa, Secretary General of KFSC

◯ Timetable(JST)
18:00 Quick check on computer connections
18:20 Greetings and self-introductions
18:30 Start of the game
19:40 Consideration and discussion of the game
19:50 Introduction of "Teaching Methods to Motivate Children" by Mr.Fujisawa.
20:30 End of the session

◯ Result of the game
Mr. David won the game.
Mr. Fujisawa said, "David's Go game had a very solid foundation.It is very encouraging to have such a person as an instructor of Go.” He was astonished at Mr. David's ability.

Mr. David said, "I was able to play a good game thanks to my handicap. The game was very realistic and easy to operate, and the post-game review was useful for future study. I can't wait to tell my students more about today's game," he said, pleased with the game.

◯ Introduction of  "Teaching Methods to Motivate Children" by Mr. Fujisawa

  • Checking on the popularity of Go at the Winchester School.
    A Go club with 6~8 members, including some grade holders.
    Mr. David held a demonstration of Go in front of 200 students the other day.The demonstration was    well received, and it is expected that more students will take up Go in the future.    Demonstrations and other events will be held twice a year, with plans for online and outside events.
  • Suggestions of how to instruct beginners
    The first difficulty in Go is to know the endgame. Playing many games in a short period of time and seeing as many endgames as possible is the shortest way to get over it. Thus, Mr. Fujisawa uses 7×7 and 9×9 boards in his class for beginners. 

    In teaching young students in particular, priority is given to repeated practice rather than detailed instruction of the rules. Children prefer to play games rather than study, so it is more effective to have them learn the rules through actual games.
  • Go Culture Foundation and KFSC have offered to donate several sets of 7X7 and 9X9 Go boards, stones, etc. to Winchester School.
  • Future Prospects
    In addition to holding another demonstrations at the Winchester School, we discussed the possibility of cooperating with the UK Go Association to promote Go more actively in the future.

◯ David's comments
It was a real honour and a pleasure to speak to Fujisawa-san and to play Go today with a professional player. I learnt a lot from the game itself, which the handicap made possible. I can now enthuse about this to our pupils. I enjoyed having the video link to make the game seem more personal and sociable, and the review was incredibly helpful.

The advice about helping new players to learn and love go was really useful and I will change how I approach teaching beginners as a result.

We have a small club here at present, and the offer of some 7x7 boards is most welcome. I am short also of clocks for our more experienced players.

I will write again to the British Go Association. There is a change coming at the top there and I am looking for more enthusiasm from them.

After our demonstration game earlier this month, I hope for larger numbers of beginners, and then the next event we host could be a small tournament.

The Panda-Egg software is very nice to use, but we still have issues with our firewall on the school network, which I am told is because of the non-standard protocol used to transmit game information across the internet.

Many thanks for today and all you have done for us.


  1. ホーム
  2. 活動報告
  3. 第1回イギリスウィンチェスター校との国際連携の取り組み